Price : 186 ₹/-

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Shynoliv-DS Syrup

Shynoliv-DS Syrup is a powerful blend of nature’s finest herbs meticulously crafted to provide comprehensive liver support. Liver is our body’s natural detoxifier and Shynoliv-DS is here to ensure it functions at its optimal best. Revitalize and rejuvenate your liver with the goodness of nature. Elevate your health with every sip and embrace a life of vitality.


  • Two Tbsp thrice a day after meal


  • •Hepatitis
  • •Jaundice
  • •Fatty liver
  • •Chronic Alcoholism
  • •Liver Dysfunction
  • •Indigestion & Dyspepsia


  • Bhumiamia
  • Kasni
  • Kaimagh
  • Kakamachi
  • Bhringraj
  • Punarnava
  • Pipapda
  • Shankhpushpo
  • Giloy
  • Harar
  • Amla
  • Chitrakmool
  • Vaividang
  • Daruhadi
  • Arjunchhal
  • Guduchi
  • Mulaka
  • Haritaki
  • Biranjasipha
  • Jhavuka
  • Nagarmotha
  • Kutki
  • Rohtak Chhal
  • Manjstha
  • Baheda
  • 850 mg
  • 850 mg
  • 550 mg
  • 550 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 400 mg
  • 800 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 200 mg
  • 400 mg
  • 200 mg
  • 200 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 500 mg
  • 400 mg
  • 150 mg
  • 150 mg
  • 150 mg
  • 150 mg
  • 150 mg
  • 150 mg
  • 150 mg

Disclaimer :
Shanvi Pharmaceuticals assumes no responsibility, guarantees or liability whatsoever about the products regarding curing of any disease and improvement in health.

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